What are the most frequent and important challenges in the area of human talent?

attract more candidates? spread more your vacancies?

It has always been believed that the only purpose of human talent within companies is to recruit as many people as possible. 

Thus, day after day, your mind does not finish assimilating the articles, tips, threads, reels and publications that promise to reveal the secret to receiving 5,000 applications in less than eight hours. 

so you end up with him "Shiny Object Syndrome", where you focus exclusively on the new, the most current, the most innovative; without any analysis, you just try it because it is new and as soon as more information appears, you discard it to go to the new great wonder of the talent attraction

But what goes on behind your back as you pursue those magical strategies? 

Are you addressing the real problems of the organization? 

Are you developing actions with long-term effects or are you just letting yourself be amazed by another pseudo-guru?

Human Talent in Latin America must broaden its perspective and focus

The workforce has already shaken off the remnants of the pandemic, and you should do the same. 

Leaving you alone with all the teachings that we could observe in the phenomenon of "Great Resignation", where more than 47 million people quit their jobs or decided to start a new career for one simple and simple reason: 

Their jobs did not motivate them enough, they did not see long-term development opportunities or anything really valuable that will contribute to their well-being. 

And rest assured that this will continue to happen, even your company may already be suffering the consequences firsthand. 

So ask yourself: 

How do you intend to attract new talent, the best talent in the market, if you are not capable of motivating and developing your current collaborators? 

Are more applications for your vacancies going to solve a problem of turnover, of lack of commitment? 

If the latter makes you noisy, perhaps while you are very busy testing formulas to find the perfect candidate, the members of your team are just practicing their “silent resignation”

Which is nothing more than the moment when an employee's sense of belonging and commitment weakens. 

Where basically his attitude is summed up in: “Why keep trying here? I better look for other opportunities”.

According to reports from Colombian Migration and the Conflict Analysis Resource Center, from 2022 to the first quarter of 2023, the largest number of Colombians who left the country in search of better job opportunities abroad was recorded. 

Figures that only support the fact that Talent is no longer afraid to leave, as long as they find a place where they feel that their skills are truly appreciated and remunerated accordingly. 

So if you don't appreciate the workers you already have, you don't give them the opportunity to grow, the competition to attract new candidates is increasingly fierce and your references only give many tips, but few results...

You are in big trouble. 

Hence the importance of choosing very well who your sources of knowledge are and prioritizing the adjustments in your talent attraction, selection and retention strategy. 

For this reason, in the new edition of the Talent Acquisition Summit 2023 we have rigorously chosen each of our speakers, people who not only preach the theory, but have put it into practice. 

As is the case with Toni Gimeno, which has collaborated with companies such as McDonald's, PepeJeans and Accenture, with its methodology of Inbound recruiting, with which it creates the foundations for more effective recruitment, improving the employer brand and relying on specialized technology. 

Or for example, Julian Giraldo, that with only 5 years in the area of Human talent, was in charge of directing the digital transformation project that led the R&S department in Teleperformance, to improve their profiles and capabilities with the High Touch component. 

We will also be accompanied by personalities such as Clair Bush, from the United Kingdom, who accumulates 20 years of experience in employer branding, recruitment marketing and developing creative campaigns in digital media; robin choy, Co-Founder and CEO of HireSweet, where he helps companies improve response rates in their selection processes, to obtain an incredible hiring process. 

These are just a few, with which we seek to make our purpose come true: Continue bringing the best experts and trends to the Latin American community to overcome the challenges of the Human Talent area, in one place. 

So if you are looking for an event where you can reliably update your knowledge and broaden your perspective to improve your attraction, retention and selection processes, we invite you to know all the details here: Talent Acquisition Summit 2023. 
And dare to turn your strategies 180 degrees, with recommendations and evidence that YES they will give you results.

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