The interview is one of the final stages of a selection process. If you got to this point it means that you passed most of the tests positively and that you are even closer to that dream job. That is why it should not be taken lightly.

In this meeting, as a candidate, You must demonstrate your consistency from the first moment, since everything you say will be verified and contrasted with what is presented in your resume and the psychotechnical test, which you surely did previously.

According to the recruitment specialist Catalina Sáenz, Talent Attraction Manager and partner of LHR Americas, although it may vary in organizations, The person who conducts the job interviews is usually who would be the direct boss, the user area and the person in charge of Human Talent. In some places they also invite a peer or a subordinate, to get to know the candidate globally: what he would be like as a boss, an employee or an office mate.

Before the indicated date and time arrives, it is key to anticipate, this will give you more security and peace of mind because nerves can give you a hard time. In the midst of a stressful situation, you may act awkwardly or say confusing things. The key is to be as calm as possible, and that confidence will come from being prepared.

Interview group: how does it work?

There are job interviews that are not individual but group. When you talk about assessment refers to that, Through a role play, they seek to remove the candidate from reality in order to measure certain competencies.

“With this, he observes individual work, he analyzes how the candidate makes decisions, how he organizes, how he presents his arguments, if he listens to others, if he imposes, if he reaches a consensus, if he takes the initiative or if he gets carried away. They begin to measure how the person behaves in front of others”, Saenz explains.

Usually this type of exercise they are done to screen people out and can sometimes confuse the candidate. Not necessarily when you think they are evaluating your leadership they are doing so, instead they may be fixing their attention on another characteristic, such as detail orientation. Keep in mind that group processes are preceded by an individual interview. 

Recommendations not to fail

The expert recruiter Catalina Sáenz shares Some important aspects to take into account when you are preparing for a job interview.

  1. Simulate at home: Take the time to recreate in the comfort of your home what the job interview will be like, practice what you would answer to hypothetical questions, organize your speech adding value so that they identify that you are the right person for the position. Some of the most frequent are: why should we hire you? Why do you want to work in our company? What can you contribute to our company's objectives.
  2. Search within yourself: Self-knowledge is very important to know what you have to say, so that you are a different candidate compared to others. Likewise, we advise you to identify, according to the job description, what they may ask you.
  3. Be authentic: Pretending to be who you are not is one of the main mistakes in a job interview. People highly value the candidate's honesty by recognizing that he does not lose his way of being, his style and his essence. Even when faced with questions that may reveal that you have made mistakes in the past, it is sincerity that manages to connect and generate empathy.
  4. Listen to your interlocutor: It sounds obvious, but another of the most common mistakes made by candidates is that they don't answer what they are being asked, but instead answer what they think they are being asked, which causes them to go off the deep end. Attentive listening is important.
  5. Watch out for the signs: learn to read that interlocutor and respond according to what he proposes to you from his position, his words or his particular interest. Keep in mind that there are dry, cutting and unfriendly interviewers, what to do in this regard? Be friendly, but precise and specific. Obviously, that person doesn't want to hear the story since you were born. Let's get to the point, to what really matters. You will also find warm and very friendly people, who are capable of going above and beyond; in this case, it is worth being a little more extroverted.
  6. Prepare for role play: In job interviews, recruiters sometimes assume roles: one is tough, the other is conciliatory. This can be premeditated. As a candidate you have to learn to accommodate yourself, and show yourself as you are in both situations.
  7. Introduce yourself without boring: A typical question that breaks the ice in job interviews is the well-known one: tell us about yourself? Here you must be skilled enough not to get bored, because there are candidates who go into detail telling their lives step by step, including irrelevant aspects. Select those important things that are going to add to the process both from your professional career and the studies carried out as well as from personal experiences.
  8. Fine tune your speech: create a “pitch elevator” about yourself, that is, condense in a short time (what it would take you to go up and down an elevator) who you are, how you are and what your trajectory is. prepare a storytelling blunt and blunt. An interview is effective when empathy is generated, if there is no matches It will not work. It is also important that there is accuracy and concordance. If they are looking for a certain experience and skills, show it. But also, be kind and focus on connecting with people.

Train with the experts

At LHR Americas We have developed a solution so that you can prepare for your job interviews. Led by expert recruiters, you will be able to simulate a job meeting and be evaluated, to determine your weak points to improve and consolidate your strengths.

learn also how to create your pitch elevator, how to prepare those questions that are difficult to answer and lose fear of that phase of the selection process that is so decisive. Turn your story and your arguments into darts that effectively hit the target.

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